
The Significance of the Lunar Nodes for Each Zodiac Sign

Lunar Nodes, also known as karmic nodes, represent important astrological points that indicate the direction of our evolution and growth. The North Node (Rahu) points to what we need to master in this life, while the South Node (Ketu) symbolizes our past lives and the skills and qualities we are already familiar with and might keep us in our comfort zone. Understanding the position of the Lunar Nodes in your natal chart helps to better understand your karmic tasks and destiny.

Aries (North Node in Aries, South Node in Libra)

For those with the North Node in Aries, the life task is to master independence and assertiveness. They need to learn to be decisive, confident, and take initiative. The South Node in Libra indicates past lives where dependency on partners and the pursuit of harmony were paramount. In this life, it is important to learn to balance between cooperation and self-sufficiency.

Karmic Task: Mastering independence, self-confidence, and decisiveness.

Taurus (North Node in Taurus, South Node in Scorpio)

The North Node in Taurus requires you to master material stability and inner peace. You need to learn to appreciate the simple joys of life and develop patience. The South Node in Scorpio shows that in past lives, you were engrossed in intense emotional experiences and transformations. In this life, it is important to achieve stability and security and enjoy the physical world.

Karmic Task: Achieving material and emotional well-being, developing patience and resilience.

Gemini (North Node in Gemini, South Node in Sagittarius)

The North Node in Gemini emphasizes the need to develop communication skills and learn to exchange information. You need to learn flexibility, adaptability, and seek a variety of knowledge. The South Node in Sagittarius indicates a tendency towards dogmatism and excessive self-confidence. In this life, it is important to develop openness to different viewpoints and learn to communicate effectively.

Karmic Task: Developing communication skills, openness to new ideas, and flexibility in thinking.

Cancer (North Node in Cancer, South Node in Capricorn)

The North Node in Cancer directs you to develop emotional sensitivity and care for loved ones. You need to learn to express your feelings and build deep emotional connections. The South Node in Capricorn indicates past lives where you strived for status and control. In this life, it is important to learn to let go of control and develop empathy and care.

Karmic Task: Developing emotional sensitivity, caring for yourself and others, learning to let go of control.

Leo (North Node in Leo, South Node in Aquarius)

The North Node in Leo encourages you to reveal your creative individuality and strive for self-expression. You need to learn to be confident in your talents and not be afraid to be in the spotlight. The South Node in Aquarius indicates past lives where you were focused on group interests and avoided personal attention. In this life, it is important to find a balance between personal expression and serving the community.

Karmic Task: Mastering self-confidence, developing creative abilities, and striving for self-expression.

Virgo (North Node in Virgo, South Node in Pisces)

The North Node in Virgo emphasizes the importance of practicality, precision, and service to others. You need to learn to be organized and apply an analytical approach to life. The South Node in Pisces indicates a tendency towards illusions and avoiding reality. In this life, it is important to develop discipline, be useful to others, and find a balance between dreams and reality.

Karmic Task: Developing organization, precision, and service to others, applying a practical approach to life.

Libra (North Node in Libra, South Node in Aries)

The North Node in Libra indicates the need to learn cooperation and harmonious relationships. You need to develop diplomacy and a strive for fairness. The South Node in Aries indicates past lives where you were independent and self-sufficient, possibly even selfish. In this life, it is important to learn to cooperate, develop skills of compromise, and harmony in relationships.

Karmic Task: Mastering the art of cooperation, developing diplomacy, and striving for harmonious relationships.

Scorpio (North Node in Scorpio, South Node in Taurus)

The North Node in Scorpio directs you to master deep emotional transformations and understand the hidden aspects of life. You need to learn to let go of material attachments and strive for spiritual growth. The South Node in Taurus indicates past lives where you were focused on material stability and pleasures. In this life, it is important to learn to let go and transform.

Karmic Task: Mastering emotional transformation, spiritual growth, and the ability to let go of material attachments.

Sagittarius (North Node in Sagittarius, South Node in Gemini)

The North Node in Sagittarius emphasizes the need to strive for knowledge and wisdom. You need to learn to expand your horizons, explore the world, and seek the truth. The South Node in Gemini indicates past lives where you were focused on superficial information and short-term contacts. In this life, it is important to develop deep understanding and a strive for greater meaning.

Karmic Task: Striving for knowledge, wisdom, expanding horizons, and seeking the truth.

Capricorn (North Node in Capricorn, South Node in Cancer)

The North Node in Capricorn directs you to develop ambition, discipline, and responsibility. You need to learn to set long-term goals and strive for success. The South Node in Cancer indicates past lives where you were focused on family and emotional needs. In this life, it is important to learn to be responsible and achieve goals while maintaining a balance with personal life.

Karmic Task: Developing ambition, discipline, responsibility, and striving for long-term goals.

Aquarius (North Node in Aquarius, South Node in Leo)

The North Node in Aquarius indicates the need to strive for innovation and collective well-being. You need to learn to work in a team and develop unique ideas. The South Node in Leo indicates past lives where you were focused on personal achievements and self-expression. In this life, it is important to learn to cooperate, develop humanitarianism, and strive for the common good.

Karmic Task: Developing cooperation, innovation, and striving for collective well-being.

Pisces (North Node in Pisces, South Node in Virgo)

The North Node in Pisces directs you to develop spirituality and intuition. You need to learn to let go of control and trust your inner feelings. The South Node in Virgo indicates past lives where you were focused on details and practical aspects of life. In this life, it is important to learn to let go and develop inner harmony and spiritual understanding.

Karmic Task: Developing spirituality, intuition, and the ability to let go of control, trust in inner feelings.

How to Determine Your Karmic Node by Date of Birth

Determining the position of the Lunar Nodes (North and South Nodes) in your natal chart requires knowing the exact time and place of your birth to calculate the precise positions of the Lunar Nodes at the moment of your birth. However, even without these details, you can use tables and online resources to determine the positions of the Lunar Nodes. Here’s how to do it:

Step 1: Find Your Date of Birth

Write down your exact date of birth. For more accurate determination of the Lunar Nodes, it’s better to know your time and place of birth as well.

Step 2: Use Lunar Node Tables

The Lunar Nodes move through the zodiac in a retrograde (backward) direction and stay in each sign for about 18-19 months. Therefore, there are tables that indicate the positions of the Lunar Nodes by years and months.

You can find such tables in astrological books or online. For example, here are some data for recent decades:

  • 2020-2022: North Node in Gemini, South Node in Sagittarius.
  • 2018-2020: North Node in Cancer, South Node in Capricorn.
  • 2016-2018: North Node in Virgo, South Node in Pisces.
  • 2014-2016: North Node in Libra, South Node in Aries.

Using the table, find the time period during which you were born and determine in which signs the North and South Nodes were located.

Step 3: Use Online Calculators

There are many online calculators that allow you to quickly and accurately determine the positions of the Lunar Nodes based on your birth date. You will need to enter your date, time, and place of birth. Some popular resources include:

These resources will provide you with a complete natal chart, including the positions of the North and South Nodes.

Example Calculation

Suppose you were born on July 15, 1990. According to the table, the North Node was in Aquarius from May 22, 1989, to November 18, 1990, meaning your North Node is in Aquarius, and your South Node is in Leo.

Interpretation of Results

Now that you know the positions of your Lunar Nodes, you can interpret their meanings as described earlier:

  • North Node in Aquarius: Your karmic task is to strive for innovation, collective well-being, and unique ideas.
  • South Node in Leo: In past lives, you may have been focused on personal achievements and self-expression.


Determining the positions of the Lunar Nodes by your birth date is an important step towards self-awareness and understanding your karmic tasks. Using Lunar Node tables or online calculators, you can easily find your nodes and begin working on your karmic lessons.

About author

Hello, dear readers! My name is Sofia, I am mother of two wonderfull children🌟 Allow me to share a glimpse into my world and why I've embarked on this writing journey. I am passionate about the profound and the mysterious, drawn to the magic that resides in the ordinary and the extraordinary. Writing, for me, is a portal to explore the depths of emotions, ideas, and the uncharted territories of the mind. In a world often bustling with noise, my desire is to carve out a space where we can pause, reflect, and dive into the mystique that surrounds us. Through the written word, I aim to unravel the threads of wisdom, weaving together tales that resonate with the soul. It's a journey of self-discovery, an exploration of the esoteric, and an invitation to ponder the enchanting mysteries of life.
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